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total knee replacement, or total knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to relieve pain and restore function in knees affected by severe arthritis or injury. This transformative surgery has helped countless individuals regain mobility and improve their quality of life. Understanding the procedure, recovery process, and necessary lifestyle adjustments is essential for those considering or undergoing total knee replacement.



1.     Bones:

a. Femur (Thigh Bone): The femur forms the upper part of the knee joint, articulating with the tibia and patella to facilitate movement.

b. Tibia (Shin Bone): The tibia serves as the larger lower leg bone and bears most of the body weight. It forms the lower portion of the knee joint.

c. Patella (Kneecap): The patella is a small, triangular bone embedded within the tendon of the quadriceps muscle. It protects the front of the knee joint and assists in knee extension.

2.     Cartilage:

a. Articular Cartilage: This smooth, slippery tissue covers the ends of the femur, tibia, and underside of the patella. It reduces friction and allows for smooth movement within the joint.

 b. Meniscus: Two crescent-shaped cartilage structures, known as menisci, sit between the femur and tibia. They act as shock absorbers, distribute weight evenly, and enhance joint stability.


Total knee replacement involves removing damaged cartilage and bone from the knee joint and replacing it with artificial components made of metal and plastic. The surgery is typically performed under general or regional anaesthesia and involves the following steps:


1.     Incision: The surgeon makes a small cut over the knee to access your joint.

2.     Reshaping: Damaged bone and cartilage are removed from the surfaces of the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone).

3.     Implant Placement: Metal implants are secured to the ends of the femur and tibia, and a plastic spacer is inserted between them to facilitate smooth movement.

4.     Closure: The incision is closed with sutures or staples.


Recovery from total knee replacement varies from person to person but typically follows a structured timeline:

1.     Stay at the Hospital: Most patients stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery to monitor pain, manage medications, and begin physical therapy.

2.     Rehabilitation: Physical therapy is a crucial aspect of recovery, focusing on regaining strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the knee.

3.     Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are common after surgery and are managed with medication, ice therapy, and elevation.

4.     Gradual Resumption of Activities: Patients gradually increase their activity levels under the guidance of their healthcare team, starting with simple movements and progressing to more strenuous activities.

5.     Long-Term Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are necessary to monitor healing, address any concerns, and track progress.

Lifestyle Changes:

Total knee replacement can significantly improve mobility and reduce pain, but it also requires certain lifestyle adjustments:

1.     Exercise: Commitment to a tailored exercise program prescribed by a physical therapist is essential for maintaining knee strength and flexibility.

2.     Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on the knee joint and can improve surgical outcomes.

3.     Joint Protection: Avoiding activities that place excessive strain on the knee, such as high-impact sports or heavy lifting, can prolong the lifespan of the artificial joint.

4.     Patience: Patience is key during the recovery process, as improvements may take several months, and occasional setbacks are normal.


Total knee replacement is a procedure that relieves individuals suffering from debilitating knee pain. Patients can enjoy improved mobility and a better quality of life by understanding the procedure, committing to rehabilitation, and making necessary lifestyle changes. Consulting with healthcare professionals can provide personalized guidance and support throughout the treatment journey.

At Argala we help in the patient’s recovery with a range of services from pre-operative rehabilitation to post-operative rehabilitation by understanding the patient’s needs and designing the clinical protocols accordingly ensuring comfort and faster recovery.




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